can you imagine how cold was that day?,,
I will tell you something; to understand how cold was that, just think about some one who used to average of 35 degrees in his normal life which also can exceed to 45 degrees in the summer, imagine if this person came to a country where the temperature is cold but bellow zero degrees are so often in the winter, but even though imagine when somebody from that cold place to tell you that he will take you to spend some time in "a very cold place" if this expression came from someone who used on cold winter, then of course I will be afraid to go, but also I was so excited to see how will it work, because I know that there will be some arrangements to keep somebody worm somehow.
The temperature was -5 degrees bellow zero which is cold, but the problem was the wend, it's true that the wind can multiply the weather cold when it comes, and imagine to stay out there for 4 hours.
to make it little near to those who doesn't experience this, I will give an example, which the fridge temperature when it make ice then that cold is zero degree, so we were in -10 fridges at that day :)
But the arrangement were very good, Me and my college were wearing a special suits which are really worm, in addition to extra jackets sweaters and even wool underwear, gloves, sacks, and also there was a special wind cover which we put on while we were out side, to keep our bodies more protected, but still i was feel with cold, ohhh it was really especial experience that I have had in my entire life.
This snow cave is also something amazing, can you imagine that the temperature inside is only zero while it's bellow zero with many degrees outside?
we have been told that it's even can be more warmer by using special sleeping bags and when you breath your body will take care of warming you up, and then you can sleep your night in there without any problems.
this is when me, my college and Håkon our contact person were digging our snow trench. the snow was very deep, and it was hard to move over smoothly, it's too soft to carry such load of flesh over. so I was trying to touch lightly the surface trying not to sunk down in the snow.
Cool !!
I understand dear!!
I have been only upto -25 degree here in Norway !!
yes you do vishwa, and that's because you experinces more cold I understand, but how could I explain that to some one who experined avargae tempreure between 15 to 40 degrees + ? thanks my dear
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