Sunday, May 31, 2009
Panorama 2008-2009 part (3)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Panorama 2008-2009 part (2)
,,, stay near, tomorrow there is more :) ,,,
Friday, May 29, 2009
Panorama 2008-2009 part (1)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Home calling (1)

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Scene to Bergen city from our Flat
This is the same scene during new years Eve, it's giving an overview to big space from Bergen city, and also the view is from high angle down to the city because the flat is on mountains area, so it was a great chance to see most of the fire works in the city.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Gratulerer med dagen Røde Kors
I was looking forward to be in the parade in 17th of May celebration with the Red Cross column, since I have heard about how fun will it be from so many people. And yesterday I was very impressed really to see these waves of people full of happiness in the city centre, watching the parade, which is really deserves to be watched, I feel like being in the past but in a very modern edition, with all these national dresses and the carnival of classic cars, classic bicycles, dances, and many good things.
Red Cross column was full of life and love to the people who really react very nice to what red cross volunteers doing, clapping to them and saying after tem their slogans, "røde kors i morgan, Gratulerer med dagen, hipp hipp, Hurra hurra hurra".
After that all together we went to the red cross activity house and enjoyed the Norwegian traditional rømmegrøt
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Celebrating 150 years of the Red Cross movement in Hordaland
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
2 sudanese In the winter land
This snow cave is also something amazing, can you imagine that the temperature inside is only zero while it's bellow zero with many degrees outside?
we have been told that it's even can be more warmer by using special sleeping bags and when you breath your body will take care of warming you up, and then you can sleep your night in there without any problems.
this is when me, my college and Håkon our contact person were digging our snow trench. the snow was very deep, and it was hard to move over smoothly, it's too soft to carry such load of flesh over. so I was trying to touch lightly the surface trying not to sunk down in the snow.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Activities with asylum home group in Bergen city
The first activity with the asylum home group in Bergen city was hiking trip to Fløyen Mountain, where we and about 10 of the youth from the asylum home in Bergen were participating in addition to the group and Susanne from the Red Cross youth district board. Most of the participant were Arabic speakers, some of them speaks English and one of them is multi language he can speak Norwegian too, our role was to help the group starting up, and we found ourselves helping somehow on establishing a communication between the group and the Arabic speakers passing the messages in Arabic and back in English. At the end Susanne told them about multi-mix activity too if they are interested to join in the coming future, and they were very interested on the Red Cross youth activities, asking many questions, and luckily they got most of the answers they need.
On 22nd of April we met the group and the 10 participant on the administration office of the asylum home, the activity was to know each other and to make some plans for new activities, and the group hanged some made some nice posters with some alternatives, so as to be used as a check list, but also the new ideas from the participant were welcomed during the discussion as well. Finally they agreed on having hiking trips, visit the aquarium, climbing sessions, swimming sessions, barbecuing and making food. So they started to have the plans setted for May and June according to these results of the wishes of the asylum seekers.
Hiking trip to Løvstakken Mountain:
Seems we are going to experience all the seven mountains in Bergen, I wonder why I didn’t started these trips earlier, and why I missed all this pleasure all this time, perhaps because I wasn’t able to realise how beautiful is those mountains and the city view from up there. This time we went with the asylum seekers to the mountain of Løvstakken, it’s one of the seven mountains surrounding the city of Bergen, 477 meter above sea level, Located west of the center of Bergen, and has a great views from the top to Gullsteinen and Nordaasvannet in south, Fyllingsdalen in west the Bergen fjord in north and the center of Bergen in east with great hiking paths.
We spent a great time up there, while the weather was wet and foggy in the beginning but then suddenly it turned to be sunny and more beautiful, and this is one of the habits of this charming city, it can suddenly turn to an unexpected weather type, so that I always have some extra clothes, umbrella and sun glasses with me.
Red Cross youth-Human Trafficking stand, Bergen, Norway
Almost all the youth delegates in Norway, in addition to 2 volunteers from Telemark, 2 from Akershus, and 2 from Oslo university student group, were gathered due to an invitation from Bergen Red Cross youth to participate in a long weekend full of activities against human trafficking. (18th to 20th of April 09).
A series of really long, but interesting and successful events, started Saturday morning in Torgallmenningen yard. Luckily, the weather was beautiful and the sun was shining all day, and all over the yard there was crowds of people hanging around enjoying that weather, while red cross volunteers moving around telling them about human trafficking and collecting money for the Red Cross projects against human trafficking outside Norway.
It’s not the first time that I have been "sold" here, but this time Colombian, Nepalese and Norwegian beauties were "sold" too. It was amazing this time. Trude, the slave seller calling and burning up the competition and a lot of people paid attention to what we were doing, and many of them contributed and donated money to the campaign, by the end of the day we were able to collect some NoKs, and to distribute a lot of flyers and information around.
Next day was a fun hiking trip to Fløyen Mountain, and sightseeing trip afterword around the beautiful Bergen. Some of the volunteers and the guests participated in this activity, and it was so much fun that day.
Last day started with a stand in front of the student centre in Bergen to spread information about human trafficking, but also to advertise for the humanitarian forum in the evening in Bergen University.
At the evening, 55 people came to the small auditorium in Bergen university with plans to participate in the humanitarian forum about Human trafficking. It was started by Sandra Milena and John Freddy, the two Colombian youth delegates. Then a police officer spoke about human trafficking, but gave a legal perspective to the problem for. It was an interesting presentation were the participants asked a lot of questions during his speech. Then Jennifer from Rwanda gave a speech about human trafficking in her country. And after that we rapped it up with a movie about a project in Nepal which was also meaningfull and interesting.
At the end I would like to say that I’m very proud of what Bergen Red Cross youth have done this weekend, and also our guests, the volunteers from the other districts and the youth delegates. I hope that they will continue their amazing performance and team working.